• Fascia is everywhere in your body! It’s the name given to all the connective tissue, including large sheets of fascia, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, the envelopes that encase your organs and the thin layers around muscle fibres and joints. All of these form a dynamic 3D matrix in your body which is a single, uninterrupted sheet running from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. The four main functions of fascia are:

    • Shaping and structuring your body by wrapping, cushioning and supporting

    • Facilitating movement by lubricating surfaces, allowing transfer of power, maintaining tension and stretch

    • Communicating by receiving and transmitting information and stimuli

    • Supplying fluid and nutrients to tissues

    Having healthy fascia is essential for you to have a healthy body, which functions well for everyday life.

  • Fascia changes in response to physical and emotional trauma, injuries and surgeries, repetitive use, inflammation and poor posture. It can shorten, solidify or thicken, this is called a fascial restriction or dysfunction. Due to the matrix like structure of the fascia, over time, restrictions spread like a pull in a stocking. Once this process is in motion, you lose flexibility and your movement and posture becomes inhibited, leading to more fascial restrictions and discomfort in the body.

    It’s important to note that fascial restrictions don’t show up on traditional health care tests which is why often you can go from medical professional to medical professional seeking answers, yet you’re not able to get a diagnosis.

  • MFR works as well for general rebalancing and postural issues as it does for specific conditions. Here are some of the conditions that respond well:

    • Chronic pelvic pain syndrome

    • Hip pain and pelvic imbalances

    • Lower back pain

    • Scar tissue adhesions

    • Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue

    • Piriformis syndrome

    • Frozen shoulder, rotator cuff pain

    • General chronic pain

    • Neck and shoulder pain and tension

    • TMJ and jaw issues

    • Headache, tiredness, brain, fog, eye strain

  • It's always useful to know what to expect the first time you come for an appointment. The information here will give you a general idea of what it's like.

    Initial Consultation

    Your first appointment with me is always an hour and a half. This is so that we have plenty of time for the initial consultation and postural assessment, with around 50 minutes of treatment time. During the consultation I'll ask you about why you have come for treatment, what you're currently experiencing, any accidents or injuries in the past, medical conditions and your expectations for the session.

    The conversation is followed by a postural assessment. I will ask you to undress to your underwear, or if you feel more comfortable, loose shorts and for women a sports bra. It's important to see as much of you as possible to understand what's happening in your body. I carry out a visual and palpatory assessment in standing and also in lying. Once I can see if your pelvis is balanced and any other areas of restriction we'll come up with a plan for treatment. Each treatment plan is tailored to your requirements and desired outcome.


    After we agree the treatment plan you can expect around 50 ish minutes of treatment time. At your first appointment this may start with balancing your pelvis to create stability in the body. Depending on what the postural assessment has revealed I will then move to treat other areas of fascial restriction around the body. In addition to myofascial release I might use deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, muscle energy techniques or rebounding.

    My aim during treatment is that you are able to relax and feel in to your body. You may feel sensations as the fascia changes but these are not meant to be uncomfortable. A feeling of a chinese burn, tingling, sensations around the body, rolling waves and stretching are all normal and a sign of fascial restrictions changing.

    After the Treatment

    Once the treatment has finished it's likely you'll have less pain and be able to move better. You may also feel slightly discombobulated as your brain works out what's different in your body. We'll discuss what you felt during treatment and any aftercare that will help your condition. We'll also discuss a treatment plan and I will ask you if you'd like to book another appointment.

    You may experience your symptoms or new discomforts in the next few days. Don't worry, this is normal. Changes can keep taking place in the body for up to 72 hours before getting back to normal!

  • I take a whole body and mind approach, integrating hands on treatment with a coaching style of conversation. I bring expertise and experience from a different range of modalities and my own experiences.

    I integrate myofascial release techniques with deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, mobilisations and muscle energy techniques, no two treatments are the same. It’s a personalised approach to you, and what you feel during and after treatment.

    You will also get exercises and activities to work on between sessions. I encourage you to take an active part in your own recovery!

  • I’m trained in the John F Barnes style of myofascial release. I combine this with other techniques from my massage training.

  • There's no simple answer for this one! It depends on you, what you're experiencing and how long you've been experiencing it. Often, clients come for four to six sessions with a gap of around two weeks between each and get to a place where they can self manage. My aim is always to get you to where you want to be, back to the activity you love, and not to have to come back for more treatment.

  • Yes! You can buy gift vouchers here.

  • You can book in with me for myofascial release sessions between the following times:

    2.30pm - 8pm Thursdays

    10.30am - 6pm Fridays

    10am - 4pm every other Saturday

    Head to the online booking page to check my availability, or call me on 07930 394522 to book in.