Find out more about myofascial release therapy

Myofascial release therapy (MFR) is a therapeutic approach that has evolved with increased understanding of the body. Whole body and hands-on, it is a gentle treatment that has a profound effect on the body. Slow, sustained and gentle pressure allows the fascia to reorganise without force, releasing physical restrictions and unconscious holding and bracing patterns.

MFR treats the body as a 3D structure rather than focussing on areas in isolation. Rather than treating for a particular symptom we look at the body as a whole to create total body balance and function. For example, if you have a repetitive foot injury that hasn’t responded to other treatments we would bring other areas of the body into balance, particularly the hips and pelvis, to alleviate pain and increase mobility.

“Ellie has treated me on a few occasions now. Each time she considers the issue carefully, not rushing in to treatment, but taking an overall view of posture and asking questions about other issues to devise a suitable treatment plan for the session and any follow on work. She is careful and understanding in her approach which has had very positive and long lasting effects every time for me. I would always consider Ellie and myofascial release before any other form of physical treatment.” HG

MFR is for you if:

  • Unexplained pain and discomfort are stopping you from fully living your life or doing the exercise you’d love to be doing

  • You often feel stiff and achey or your body is heavy and doesn’t want to move

  • You’ve tried lots of treatments and nothing has helped so far

  • Medical scans and tests reveal there is nothing wrong with you, but you are in pain and don’t know what to do to feel better

  • You've had an operation, injury or have scar tissue that is causing you pain

  • Elimination or reduction of general pain and discomfort

  • Improved physical function including increased joint range of motion and muscle function

  • Increased proprioception

  • Reduction in scar tissue adhesions

  • A global feeling of relaxation, wellbeing and emotional release

  • General increase in health from being able to get back to the physical activities and exercise you enjoy

  • Believe that they can feel better in their body and are willing to try something new

  • Are willing to take an active role in their own recovery

  • Are active and use their muscles in a habitual way e.g. runners, climbers, cyclists, walkers, yogis

  • Need pain relief from both chronic and acute physical discomfort and injury

Potential benefits of MFR treatment:

I work best with people who: